My last update was in June?! How did that happen?! Sorry peeps!
Well I have now been back at work for a couple of months, and am now finding a little time and enthusiasm to scrap. I seem to get really into scrapbooking for a bit, and then get back into knitting, and then the other gets temporarily neglected.
So, what's new with me? Hmmmm, not much really. My biggest news this week is that Alex has taken his first steps at just 10 months and is already able to walk across the floor and between the furniture, yikes! I knew this would happen sooner rather than later, and although I'm thrilled he's doing so well I'm also sad as I know his days as a baby are numbered now and very soon we'll be into toddlerhood. Double yikes!
And Harry, my other baby, is definitely no longer a baby now as he started school this month! Sob!
So scrapbooking is even more important to me right now, Alex is growing and changing so fast it's the only way of documenting this.
Here's my latest work:
(Scraplift of a truly gorgeous and inspirational layout by SJ Dowsett, published in Scrapbook Inspirations magazine earlier this year). This one is of Harry, and uses probably the only half decent photo we have of him as a newborn - because it wasn't taken by us LOL!
Right, that's me updated for now, but I promise I'll be back soon as I have so many layouts and projects on the go and lined up, plus some time to finish them this week (including a mini crop date with my lovely friend Rachel/reward - helloooooo!)
So catch you soon (I do really mean that this time!)
Natalie x x x
i swear i nearly fell off my chair when i saw your name on my igoogle lol, fab fab lo love them all, so chuffed you are blogging again :) see u saturday its gonna be fun :)
Fantastic layouts Natalie. And what filthy gorgeous boys you have. How on earth have you managed to fit time in to scrap, work and mother? Amazing.t
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