Gareth wasn't too impressed, until he found a stall with a few CDs and records he liked but didn't have in his 600-strong collection. Yet. But at 50p each I wasn't going to moan. And we also found these gorgeous little Mini Mode wellies for Alex, brand new for £1. He has been wearing them proudly for most of the day, bless him!

So what else have we done today? Gosh, what haven't we done?! Feeling all motivated by being up and out so early, we came home, made a cooked breakfast, tidied the kitchen, tidied the garden, made trips to the local household recycling centre, mowed the lawn, swept the driveway, tidied and hoovered out both cars, washed both cars, washed the windows and front door and now Gareth is running his parents to a Proms in the Park event. And we had time for a little play too. Phew! I was exhausted.
And this weekend I'll be doing it all again, except I'll be getting up even earlier to go sell at a car boot sale. I have been inspired by Gareth's cousin doing so well selling at one last weekend and because our house contains so much old stuff we just don't use, need or even want. So it's all going - if I can drag myself out of bed at 4.30am on Sunday, yes, 4.30am!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!