On Saturday we had our first little Paper Chasers crop in Leeds and it was lovely. I even managed to sit and complete this double LO, although it did take me all day as I was tired and just couldn't get going to start with. Anyway, it's about the new nursery (which is finally complete, hurrah!) and will go in the pregnancy album I'm trying to keep up with. I'm 35 weeks now so better get a move on really!

I'm not sure how much more scrapping I'll get done before the new baby is born now as I'm working from home during the day and then am too tired on an evening to even think about getting anything out and started. Hopefully once I go on maternity leave in a fortnight I might have a burst of energy and can set my mind to it - once I'm done nesting and have got the house in order that is!
Bye for now. :)
Natalie x